Jennifer Lawrence & Alison Brie Were In A Terrible Teen Show Together

Before her first Oscar nomination for Winter's Bone, Jennifer Lawrence was just like any other young actress trying to make it in Hollywood. And, before she shot to cult fame as Annie Edison on Community, Alison Brie was very much in the same boat. Case in point: This terrible teen show spoof Vulture unearthed yesterday in honor of JLawr's birthday.
You see, in 2007, Not Another Teen Movie was more successful than Jennifer Lawrence and Alison Brie put together. It really was a different time. After all, how else could they have nabbed a pre-Captain America Chris Evans for this whipped cream bikini scene he probably wishes the Internet would forget?
Comedy Central wanted to turn the parody's surprise box-office performance into TV ratings success. So, the network filmed a pilot for Another High School Show starring (you guessed it) Alison Brie and Jennifer Lawrence.
Brie plays "Muffy the Vampire Slayer," a one-note character with (yes) an overgrown bush. Lawrence's character is harder to ascertain, although her appearance during the final part of this clip suggests she's the resident hot girl. How the network thought pubic hair jokes could be continued for an entire series is beyond us. Perhaps this is why the pilot wasn't picked up.
Jimmy Fallon, if you're reading this, please reunite Muffy and Jennifer for a follow-up sketch. The Internet will be forever in your debt. (Vulture)

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