For those who struggle with acne, it seems like there's a new food every other day that you're not allowed to indulge in. Gluten, dairy, alcohol — the list just keeps getting longer. But, for xoJane contributor Zoe, it was actually her morning cup of coffee that she suspected of wreaking havoc on her face.
Now, before you start yelling about how good coffee is for you, let us explain. Coffee is full of antioxidants and can be great for your heart and brain function. Doctors, though, are seriously split on whether the stuff is bad for your skin. And, for Zoe, who suffers from hormonal acne, the high dose of caffeine in her a.m. mug (plus the three others she'd sip throughout the day) would throw her skin out of whack. So, her doctors advised her to slowly wean herself off.
Keep in mind: While the regimen cleared up Zoe's face, it may not work for everyone. Acne can be caused by many different factors. As such, cutting out certain foods, like dairy and caffeine, may not be the quick fix you're hoping for. All of this is purely anecdotal, and until doctors can figure out whether or not these ingredients do 100% cause acne, we won't know for sure if a dietary swap will help. But, Zoe's piece is worth a read — even if it's just to learn exactly how coffee might affect your body. Click on over, and then decide for yourself if quitting coffee might be the answer to stopping your acne once and for all. (xoJane)
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