We Are In Awe Of This Makeup Transformation

Say what you will about us, but we geek out whenever we catch wind of a tech-y new beauty innovation. That said, "technology" in our industry typically falls somewhere between a skin-care tool or no-slip lipstick. So, when we came across the truly space-age "projection makeup" on Vice's blog The Creators Project, we spent a good 20 minutes, mouths agape, watching the video over and over.
The concept seems fairly simple: Producer Nobumichi Asai uses face-tracking technology (which has been used in movies like Avatar) to project a series of images onto a model's face. But, what sets this apart from other face-tracking experiments is that the projections are happening in real time. The model moves, and the projector moves with her. So, it winds up looking like she is wearing this living mask on her face — one that transforms from a vampy beauty look with killer cheekbones to a robotic cyborg with moving cogs in her face.
While we don't expect to be running around with projectors beaming the perfect cat-eye onto our lids anytime soon, projection-mapping makeup could provide intense visuals for performers. Broadway plays, concerts, music videos, movies — the performers' faces could transform into countless different visages right before our eyes.
If this technology continues to be developed, it could actually change what "stage makeup" is. It might even make certain types of CGI obsolete — young actors and actresses could be "aged" with projection mapping instead of postproduction magic or uncomfortable prosthetics. Because, why mess around with some blush and eyelash glue when you can flip a switch to be a robot? (The Creators Project)

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