Frat Bros Remind Us Why The World Doesn’t Want Them

Think about the most ridiculous frat bro you've ever met in your life. It doesn't even matter if you, yourself, were in Greek life or not. In fact, maybe this person is you.
Just consider, for a moment, the backward-baseball-cap and boat-shoes-wearing, Myrtle Beach-vacationing caricature of a human you either are or saw at college. Now, think about what happens when more than seven of them join forces for a group activity. What kind of Keystone Light-infused chaos do you think would happen if all the frats united for a global movement?

One site seeks to find out. Total Frat Move, a website of bro interest, has launched its #WhyWeNeedFrat campaign. "There's an important movement afoot. It's time to stand up and tell the world why we need frat," reads the site's page. The video features a collection of bros solemnly sharing their reasons for needing a fraternity. These reasons include, but aren't limited to, "My clothing would be out of date by 60 years without it," "upper-middle-class people can't join a gang," and, simply, "boobs."
Say what you will about the activities, attitudes, and poor wardrobe choices this movement promotes, but it looks like a pretty genius idea that's just as clever as it is eyeroll-inducing. Check out the clip below. (Not pictured: all the high fives they gave each other after BuzzFeed finally picked up their story, man.) (BuzzFeed)

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