It looks like ALS isn't the only cause celebrities are getting behind these days.
A pair of indie queens took to social media to declare their support for the people of Ferguson, the ravaged St. Louis community that's been in turmoil since the Michael Brown shooting and the ensuing protests.
Cat Power, a.k.a. Chan Marshall announced via Instagram that she will play two benefit concerts in St. Louis this evening. The singer posted a picture of a T-shirt with the slogan "Support #Ferguson Support Peace!" and wrote that the first five people who make a donation will receive a free tee.
"All proceeds will go to help protestors get out of jail & any needed supplies & food for protestors & flowers for rifles," the singer added.
Marshall also called on Sky Ferreira to join her. "I'm trying to find a way to come but I'm contractually obligated to another show," Ferreira wrote on Instagram after reposting Marshall's original photo. "The $$$ for my performance will go towards this & I will be there in spirit."
Hollywood has been oddly silent about the protests in Ferguson, something that's become even more glaringly obvious in the wake of the ALS Ice Bucket phenomenon, which has been endorsed by virtually every A-list celebrity.
Other celebrities that have spoken out about Ferguson have also been from the music world, including Lauryn Hill and J. Cole. (NME)