This Exists: A Hilary Clinton-Themed Pantsuits Boutique

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The Internet loves Hillary Clinton. Her awesome dance moves and side eyes have launched a thousand GIFs. And, who can forget Texts From Hillary? While Hillz is often championed for her diplomatic accomplishments and sassy attitude, her wardrobe doesn't get quite as much love. The former Secretary of State is so frequently teased for her love of pantsuits, even she has joined in on the joke.
If making quips about her personal style is the popular thing to do stateside, it's certainly not catching on in Pristina, Kosovo. The Southeastern Europe state boasts a Hillary Clinton-themed boutique, and yes, there's a vast collection of pantsuits on sale. The shop carries the staple in every conceivable shade, and was even graced by the pantsuit aficionado herself when it opened in 2012.
The town features a statue to honor President Clinton's efforts to end the Kosovo war; so the shop just goes to show Pristina is sweet on the whole clan. And, business has been robust — with a scarlet suit being the bestseller. (Joke's on you, Jimmy Fallon). Click over to HuffPost Style to see the space, and consider suiting up yourself. (HuffPost Style)

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