As we sort through the latest iPhone 6 rumors, one thing we know is that it probably won't be waterproof — a sad thing for all of us who've dropped a phone in the toilet, gotten soaked with one in our pockets, or allowed unseen surf to rise up and soak our stuff at the beach.
Luckily for bathtub reading enthusiasts, Kobo, an e-reader creator, has made a tablet for the ultimate beach reader — or klutz. The company's new Kobo Aura H20 tablet is IP67 certified, which means it's completely waterproof. In fact, the tablet can be dunked three feet underwater for 30 minutes without being damaged.
The Aura even knows when it's wet and lets you know on screen. Sort of like a baby with a dirty diaper, only with less crying. That's when you wipe it off and keep reading. Even better, the technology doesn't add any bulk or complication to the tablet.
It may seem like a bit much, but you know you wept a little the first time you spilled a glass of water (or wine) on your new laptop/phone/tablet. The site even claims the device will be safe when you're reading it in the bath, and provides a special cloth for scratch-free drying.
Pre-orders for the waterproof tablet are available now for the October 1 release date. And, at only $180, it's a lot cheaper than a non-waterproof iPad. (Mashable)