Snoop Dogg has gotten away with just about everything — murder charges, breaking drug laws, releasing a whole song about getting a woman "wet" — but making gay slurs? Unacceptable.
The rapper is under fire for allegedly bashing a gay couple on his Instagram feed and calling them offensive names. Though it's unclear what prompted the social-media meltdown, a screenshot of another Instagram user's photo — featuring two men cuddling in bed — was shared on Snoop's own feed early Monday morning with this reprehensible message:
"U n ya boyfriend since you like Jumpin on my page disrespectn bitch boy go suck ya man n get off my line f.A.G."
To make the matter even more disturbing, several commenters joined in on the gay-bashing, chiming in that "f*gs talk too much."
Within the hour, though, the post had been deleted. Snoop Dogg's team has yet to issue a statement on the matter. That's not to say the musician has been keeping quiet, however. He's posted countless photos on his feed, including a plea to "B courteous when u comment or get in my ig. Thanks for the love. F tha haters !!"
And, then there's this charming item.
Oh, Snoop. Please don't drag Morgan Freeman into this.
Incidentally, Snoop has spoken in the past about his views on homosexuality. In an interview with the Guardian last year, he expressed a somewhat accepting attitude.
"I don't have a problem with gay people," he said. "I got some gay homies. Yeah, for real. People who were gay used to get beat up. It was cool to beat up on gay people back then. But in the '90s and 2000s, gay is a way of life. Just regular people with jobs. Now they are accepted, not classified. They just went through the same things we went through as black."
He did go on to explain, however, why gay or bisexual performers like Frank Ocean would struggle to succeed in the rap business.
"Frank Ocean ain't no rapper," he said. "He's a singer. It's acceptable in the singing world, but in the rap world I don't know if it will ever be acceptable because rap is so masculine. It's like a football team. You can't be in a locker room full of motherfucking tough-ass dudes, then all of a sudden say, 'Hey, man, I like you.' You know, that's going to be tough."
If Snoop Dogg truly sees gays as "just regular people," he should set an example by accepting them, not bashing them. Also, he was totally wrong about gay men not being welcomed onto football teams. Just look at Michael Sam — there's no doubt he's as tough as his teammates.
Oh, and that photo Snoop was so angry about? Here's the so-called scandalous image that prompted the homophobic attack.

We know. We're disappointed, too. (BuzzFeed)
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