Today's the day! No, not New iPhone Day — that's Friday. Today you should be jazzed about Apple's new software release, iOS 8. It's the newest version of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch operating system, and if that news doesn't shiver your timbers, you're not alone. But, you may feel differently after reading about this wonder of wonders (miracle of miracles) now available for your existing Apple device.
1. Photo collection mastery: The new photo app has better editing features and lets you access filters from other apps while you're inside. Look at you, Valencia-ing it up in a new app locale.
2. You can now add or remove individual contacts from group messages and mute conversations entirely. Less phones-buzzing-on-desks for all of us. Huzzah for sanity!
3. Autocorrect has (supposedly) gotten smarter and will adjust based on with whom you're conversing. Does this mean it will send "ducking" to your grandma, but what you really mean to friends? One can only hope.
4. It wants you to be fit: The much-lauded Health app from the iPhone 6 launch event is a-comin'.
So, go now and upgrade your phone/tablet/iPod. The new operating system really is your oyster. However, do not fall in love with it. It didn't work out too well for Joaquin Phoenix, and that's probably a lesson we should all heed.