André Leon Talley's fashion career is as much the stuff of legend as his jewel-tone capes. And, today the former Vogue editor and current artistic director at Zappos Couture opens up to The Huffington Post about his working relationship with fashion's most fear-inspiring editor (that's Ms. Wintour to you).
Not only does he call Anna Wintour a "marvelous woman," he appreciates her much-discussed talent for crisp decision-making. Talley tells of his first-ever working lunch with Wintour:
"We left the office at 12:45, sat down at 1 o'clock, and at 1:13 when I was just about to bite into my entree she said, 'Oh, that's it. Let's go back to the office. We have discussed everything.'" No word on whether Wintour managed to wolf anything down during the world's shortest business lunch.
Despite dashing our dreams of leisurely, martini-punctuated lunches among the Vogue staff, we're pleased to hear it's nothing but respect between ALT and Wintour. Click over to HuffPo for the full read — as always, Talley has lots more to say about the lack of diversity in fashion, his major career regret, and the advice he'd give to his 25-year-old self. Well, okay, we'll spill on that last one: He'd tell young Talley to "have more affairs." Wise words. (The Huffington Post)