Cara Delevingne is obviously no slouch on the runway and in ad campaigns, but if you ask us, the place she really shines is on camera. Whether she’s making funny faces or singing the praises of bacon with our own R29 editors, this improv, off-the-cuff Cara is the one nearest to our hearts.
So, needless to say, Cara's completely in her element in this new video from VOGUE.com. In it, Cara takes us on an MTV Cribs-style tour of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry — or at least, the facsimile version at Warner Brothers Studio in England. And, the result is either hilarious or slightly delusional, depending on your take. She weaves between real Harry Potter tourists to show off “Cara’s Crib,” which features her massive dinner table, her pet gryphon, chickens she snacks on when she's "feeling feral," and her collection of miniature cars.
Despite the deadpan jokes (“This is actually where my Instagram began,” she says about a bunch of old-timey Hogwarts founders' portraits on the wall) and stunts like licking a magic wand (would McGonagall approve?), perhaps most impressive is her talent for staying straight-faced throughout the entire thing. She almost convinces us that she may really have gone to the storied school for witches — perhaps that explains her preternatural supermodel skills?
Watch the video here — and, most importantly, tell us which house you think Cara got sorted into while studying at good ol' HSWW. We bet she's a Hufflepuff. (VOGUE.com)