GILES: In every generation there is a Slayer. She is the Chosen One. She alone will stand against the forces of darkness –
BUFFY: What does it pay?
GILES: What do you mean?
BUFFY: I’m being expected to risk my personal health and well-being on behalf of those too weak to fend for themselves, yes?
GILES: I wouldn’t put it exactly like that.
BUFFY: Surely this kind of specialized labor merits compensation, if my skills are so highly valued on the free market.
GILES: Well, we can’t really offer the Slayer money, if that’s what you mean.
BUFFY: Then I will find someone who can, and work only for the highest bidder.
[a group of vampires bash their way into the library and begin chewing on Giles]
GILES: Buffy, help –
BUFFY: If you really valued my services, you would pay me.
GILES: I’m dying –
BUFFY: This is emotional extortion and I won’t respond to it.