Watch This Harrowing Plea From The Streets Of Hong Kong

Many of us are oceans away from the pro-democracy protests currently happening in Hong Kong. While we've seen the images and videos of the clashes between riot police and protestors broadcast all over the world, it can sometimes feel difficult to identify with their plight.
That's what makes the video below so effective.
Glacier Kwong is a student at the University of Hong Kong and is part of the grassroots, youth-led political movement for autonomy from the Chinese government in Beijing. Kwong recounts a story involving a group of peaceful protesters who were attacked by police wielding pepper spray.
"As a Hongkonger standing here in Wan Chai, I ask all of you from all over the world: please help us,” she said. "You are born with democracy choices and have free election rights, but we don’t. Please help us. Please spread the news all over the world."
Watch the powerful plea for help below.

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