Steve Lemme has confirmed there will be a sequel to Super Troopers. "You know, it was a combination of having to settle some of the legal disputes about making a sequel, while also negotiating terms for it," Lemme told Us Weekly , in the most legal way possible. "The fans have been asking for it for a while, but we were finally able to package everything together." And, by "a while" he means, like, 13 years.
Lemme explained that Fox will distribute the film, but Broken Lizard — the comedy troop behind the mustaches — is responsible for raising the money. And, they need a minimum budget of $27 million. According to Lemme, they're close, but may turn to the fans themselves for the remaining funds. "There may be a Kickstarter launched to raise the last little bit," he told the magazine.
The actor hasn't given much away about what we can expect from the next installment of the comedy classic. But, he has shared that it takes place a few years after the first film, and that everyone will have mustaches. Not only will everyone who had a 'stache in the first flick grow theirs back, but the ones who didn't will need to build one up. "We're making them earn it. Not sure how we'll haze them, but they better be prepared." (Us Weekly)