Remember being a tween? Everything is just so...ew. That boy from math class who keeps drawing on your textbook? Ew. Your mom always asking where you're going and who you're going to be with and what their parents' names and phone numbers are? Gross. Your older brother, just in general? Vile.
Tweens have two new advocates in a the most unlikely form. Jimmy Fallon and put on their finest pink-and-yellow outfits, braces, and headgear to record a music video about the plight of today's tween. It will never leave your head. Ever.
"She's so basically basic...You're gonna freaking flip. Sally's mad at Iggy because Iggy's booty's more biggies," Sara and her bff rap before the video gets destroyed by Sara's embarrassing stepdad, Gary. Gary ruins everything — ew.