Women Vote For Boyfriends, Not Candidates

The midterm elections are just a month away. And, as Jon Stewart reminded his audience on Wednesday night, women are the most important to this particular race. We were the top interest group in 2014, and our votes will ultimately decide who controls the senate. As such, the GOP is spending mad money on ad campaigns to get the attention of women voters. We're talking millions of dollars on commercials that are just plain embarrassing.
Correspondent Kristen Schaal broke it all down for us on The Daily Show. She showed actual ads from the Republican party that are meant to garner the lady vote. These spots are reinterpretations of dating shows, in which the women choose the GOP as the bachelor; "The Candidate" likens choosing a senator to selecting a wedding dress. Who thought this was a good idea? Probably the same guy who invented pantyhose. Check out the clip below. (Daily Show)

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