Like This Fan-Made Empire Strikes Back Remake, You Will

We're nowhere near May the Fourth — AKA Star Wars Day — but a visit to Hoth doesn't really need a reason.

This week, the official Star Wars YouTube account treated its fans to an epic gem
sprung from their very own love for the Rebel Alliance: a shot-for-shot fan remake of The Empire Strikes Back.

The film is composed of more than 480 fan-made segments selected from over 1,500 submissions. The project began last year, when fans were given the opportunity to select 15-second segments of the film to remake with whatever means they had at their disposal. The project was overseen by Casey Pugh, who helmed the original and widely lauded Star Wars: Episode IV fan remake, Star Wars Uncut.
Like that film, the new Empire is full of lovingly crafted cardboard cutouts and nerds in Salvation Army duds. You'll see child Landos, cartoon Wookiees, and a psychedelic Yoda sequence. There are even some very creatively rendered tauntauns.
And, while the snow planet's ridable creatures might smell bad both inside and out, this video doesn't stink one bit. (YouTube)

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