The problem has occurred in multiple Hermès bag styles, shipped to stores across the world, including the iconic Birkin and Kelly bags, as well as the Elan clutch. But, it's important to note that the problem does not affect all bags in any of these styles.
Hermès reps told customers returning their bags that the problem was due to a faulty batch of "badly tanned" leather from one of Hermès' suppliers. More worryingly, the smell only seems to arise when the leather heats up in direct sunlight, meaning your nose won't necessarily know until you're out of the store.
Hermès is currently sending the returned bags back to Paris for a rebuild with new leather. Given the brand's reputation for stellar customer service, and the utmost in quality, we're sure it'll get this sorted out soon. Hopefully before any drug-sniffing dogs mistake a $100,000 purse for an ounce of dank. (Page Six)