This Is What Happens When The Floor Falls Out Of Your Dressing Room

It's a dressing-room nightmare worse than crappy fluorescent lighting or discovering the store only carries a size small. You're trying on a winter jacket, wondering if you can make puffy coats a thing again, when suddenly: chaos. The employees run out of the store, locking you inside. Meanwhile, the floor beneath your feet begins to slowly retract into the walls. A sense of dread grips you. Your life flashes before your eyes. So this is how Han and Chewy felt in the Death Star's trash compactor.
So, what do you do? If you're one of the customers in this The North Face video, you get real resourceful, real quick and start scurrying up the walls (which, as in any Gander Mountain or other sporting goods store, are handily outfitted with climbing holds).
But, if you thought making making wall-climbers out of unsuspecting customers was bad enough, wait 'til you see what happens next. There's only one way down — and to score yourself a free jacket. Do they take it? Click above to find out. We have no idea whether the customers in this video are real, or played by convincingly sweaty-browed actors, but let's just say we're mighty impressed by this crew's impromptu Parkouring.

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