Simple Tricks For Staying Healthy This Fall

Fall seems to bring all sorts of things back into our lives: boots, pumpkins, and tissue boxes. Fall also means months of wondering, what weather do I dress for? You start the day happily wrapped in your jacket; by 2 p.m., you're dripping sweat.
While the fluctuating temperatures won’t make you sick, the sudden burst of chilliness can sometimes irritate conditions such as asthma. To avoid this, Women's Health suggests wearing lots of layers — even if the sun seems deceptively warm.
Another seasonal culprit that affects your health is allergies (sniff). Watch for ragweed and mold this fall and be sure to wash your hands often. This helps keep the allergens off of your skin. Click through for more ways to keep from getting sick — because fall is for leaf-peeping, not leaf-sneezing. (Women's Health)

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