The Definitive Guide To Movie Beauty Looks

Photo: Courtesy of Miramax.
It's crazy to think that Pulp Fiction turns 20 this month. While there are plenty of things to love about the movie, we've always been partial to Uma Thurman's badass beauty look as Mia, the "nose-powdering" vamp. Which is why we were not all surprised to find Ms. Wallace sitting pretty on The Cut's 50 Best Movie Beauty Moments list.
Pulp Fiction is in pretty good company — as makeover scenes were pretty much a cornerstone of movies from the '80s through the early aughties. Tai's farmer-to-fabulous do-over in Clueless gets snaps, as well as the accidental "hair gel" scene in There's Something About Mary. And, who can forget Cinderella's transformation in her eponymous film? That pompadour she rocks may be the result of fairy dust, but it's amazing all the same.
Click on over to The Cut to see the full list.

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