What can keyboard cat teach us about effective public education? According to John Oliver, everything.
You see, what makes keyboard cat interesting is not the actual music the feline's playing, but the intersection of a cute animal, fake paws, and an unexpected activity. So, why not apply that same formula to anything mundane?
Enter: Oliver's brilliant format of SCOTUS proceedings. Justice Scalia has made it quite clear that he doesn't think video recordings of the SCOTUS' discussions would "educate the American people." However, you can listen to audio recordings of their meetings. And, since that's the stuff of lullabies, the comedian went ahead and added dogs to the mix. Yes, dogs that are meant to represent Supreme Court Justices; also, there's a duck taking notes.
After using what Oliver calls "an almost immoral amount of resources," you can now view the footage on Last Week, Tonight's YouTube channel. The late-night host says you can use the footage he and his team created however you'd like. Below, a preview. John Oliver: Making political discussions exciting since Sunday night. (Last Week Tonight)