These Girls REALLY Don’t Want To Be Damsels In Distress

In the above video, which is currently going viral, girls between the ages of six and 13 drop a series of f-bombs to highlight sexism and support feminism. According to FCKH8, the company behind the video, it's meant to ask: "What’s more offensive? A little girl saying fuck, or the sexist way society treats girls and women?" The video also features a boy wearing a pink gown to bring home the message that it's insulting to tell boys to stop acting like girls.
There's no denying the video is intended to shock. A FCKH8 spokesperson told Mediaite that YouTube removed it following complaints that the violated the site's terms of service.
It's certainly jarring hearing a 6-year-old say, "I'm not some pretty fucking hopeless princess in distress" and talk about how one in five of them will be sexually assaulted or raped by a man. But, that's the point. To prompt discussion over whether a little girl saying, "Pay up, motherfucker," is more offensive than the fact that with the existing gender-wage gap, she may one day need to demand that a boss do just that.
Fox News had a particularly strong reaction to the video. On The Five, Greg Gutfeld accused the parents that allowed their kids to be in the video of abuse. "It's vile...The only shocking thing is it's banality," Gutfeld said. "Where are the parents? It's clear these kids have little idea what they're doing, or why. The irony is that they are talking about abuse while being used as props for profit...What kind of parents are okay with that?"
Based on The Five's reaction, the video provoked the exact type of response it intended. That's why the "potty-mouthed princesses" using "bad words for a good cause" have been making headlines for a few days now. If "F-Bombs for Feminism" actually manages to spur change in society's offensive treatment of females, it would be about fucking time.

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