Watch Gamer Girls Take Down Dudes

With the whole #Gamergate war raging on, sexism has been a hot topic in the gaming community of late. Sounds like as good a time as any to throw a video parody into the mix, right?
All the slow claps go to BuzzFeed for their latest video, "If Gamer Girls Acted Like Gamer Guys." Dudes, be honest. Are you guilty of smack-talk? Pausing the game to get a good look at some avatar's boobs? Being condescending to a fellow gamer because she happens to be female? Consider yourself served.
Yes, it seems that not every gal gamer wants to be relegated to playing The Sims, or fending off abuse when she's trying to get in on the multiplayer action. Go on and make your snide remarks, but be warned: One day we're totally going to Chun-Li your ass.

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