Despite being over two decades old, the Cartoon Network has never aired a show featuring gay characters.
Until now.
The characters made their debut on Clarence, which premiered to raves earlier this year. And, while the move is a progressive one on the network's part, it could have been monumental.
According to the show's writer, Spencer Rothbell, the two male characters were originally supposed to kiss on the lips. At the last second, the Cartoon Network decided to replace the scene with a kiss on the cheek instead. "Originally the guy had flowers and they kissed on the mouth," Rothbell tweeted. (His tweets have since become protected.)
While featuring gay characters in cartoons is nothing new — The Simpsons have had many over the years — we've never seen one as a show's centerpiece.
"It's such a minor throwaway moment but I guess it's better than nothing," Rothbell wrote on his Tumblr, adding that he's stil unsure why the network decided to censor the kiss. "Maybe one day the main character can be gay and it won't be a big deal."
Watch the censored scene below.