This Man’s Tribute To His Wife Will Ruin Your Halloween Makeup

Photo: Via Twitter.
Warning: With the sun about to set, many of you are likely putting the finishing touches on your elaborate Halloween makeup. The last thing we want is to be responsible for ruining that makeup by making you cry. With that said, if you want to avoid running mascara — or smeared zombie blood — stop reading now.
For the rest of you, this is the story of John Silva and his wife Hilda.
The couple were married over half a century ago, and stayed together until Hilda's death in 2009. Since then, Mr. Silva brings a picture of he and his wife whenever he dines out. Unbeknownst to him, Silva's touching ritual was captured recently by a fellow patron at an In-N-Out Burger in Fremont, CA.
Madina Bashizadah, the woman who took the photo, immediately posted it on Twitter, and what happened next is a true testament to the power of love (and the Internet). The photo went viral, and Silva's touching story is being celebrated around the globe.
"We found out that she was his sweetheart, his wife, who passed away five years ago," Bashizadah told People. "They met at 17, but the war had kept them apart. He had searched for her for 10 years and one day as he was telling his barber the story, the barber calls his daughter in and it ends up being her. They were married instantly and it lasted for 55 years until she passed."
The Daily Mail even managed to track Silva down, and found out more about his decades-spanning romance. For more on this real life Nicholas Sparks love story, click here. (People)

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