Why People Shop Black Friday (Hint: It’s Not Because Of The Deals)

Designed by Elliot Salazar.
For some of us, alerts about Black Friday deals fill us with the sort of existential angst usually reserved for scrolling our exes' Instagram feeds. And, other (stranger) people cannot wait to bound out of bed the day after Thanksgiving, head down to the local big box store, and scoop up discount iPads — while the rest of us enjoy a turkey-sedated sleep.
So, why do shoppers still fill stores on Black Friday — despite the fact that many of the same deals are available online? According to a survey conducted by Deal News, it's not the low, low prices. The people who plan on shopping in-store this Black Friday cited "the experience/excitement" as their number one reason for going. And, shoppers are willing to go to great lengths to get it — nearly half of this year's Black Friday shoppers say they intend to visit five or more stores. In one day. While they could be eating leftover pie.
Of course, one need only google "Black Friday riot" to know that the type of "excitement" on offer can sometimes devolve into actual danger once the store runs low on discount Xbox games. Maybe that's why Deal News' survey also found that of people who shopped in-store last Black Friday, 23% plan to switch to online shopping this year. Their eyes have seen enough towel-induced bedlam for several lifetimes.
So, to all readers who enjoy thronging stores on Black Friday, best of luck and don't get trampled! We'll probably wait until the next Phillip Lim sample sale to risk elbows to the face. (Deal News)

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