Facebook Looks To End Its NSFW Rep With ‘Facebook At Work’

Photo: Via Facebook.
The days of hiding your rabid Facebook addiction from your boss may soon be coming to an end. But, don't start rejoicing yet.
The Financial Times is reporting that the company is developing a new product tentatively called Facebook at Work. The multi-platform service would be specifically tailored to the workplace, allowing users to message and collaborate with their colleagues, while building a professional network separate from their personal account.
Unlike many of its fellow Silicon Valley rivals, Facebook has yet to make any real inroads into the business world. In fact, many companies block the social network, which is often irrevocably linked with procrastination.
Facebook at Work would change all that. The business network would be a direct assault on companies like Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, LinkedIn, and Salesforce.
Facebook has yet to comment on the story, but it's believed that a handful of companies are currently testing the product.
A release date has not yet been set, but clearly, the battle lines have been drawn. (The Financial Times)

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