Someone's getting a merit badge for this one. For the first time since the Girl Scouts of America began selling cookies in 1917, online sales will be offered. Yes, that means you can stop harassing your coworkers' kids and loitering outside Duane Reade in pursuit of Thin Mints.
The organization has signed off on Digital Cookie, an online marketing platform that will go live in January. Scouts will be able to send out invitations to purchase the sweet treats directly from their unique seller pages. A mobile app will also optimize online orders.
Of course, scouts can always elect to go the old-fashioned, door-to-door route if they prefer.
“I love going around my neighborhood, my parents’ jobs, and my grandfather’s job,” 13-year-old Bria Vainqueur told The New York Times. “I’ve been selling cookies since I joined scouting when I was 6, including setting up a booth at our local Stop & Shop. But the digital option is going to make it easier to reach a lot more people and to take and keep track of their orders."
Kids these days. Now, how long before one of these precocious tykes figures out how to train a carrier pigeon to just drop a box of Samoas on our laps every hour on the hour?