The Backstreet Boys Are Back! In Trailer Form

Backstreet's back, alright.
It's hard to fathom that it's been nearly two decades since the Backstreet Boys started the boy band revolution. In that span we've seen contenders (One Direction) and pretenders (O-Town) jockey for the title of Greatest Boy Band Ever. But, no matter how tight their hand heart gestures are or were, the Backstreet Boys will always reign supreme.
That's why it's with great pleasure that we present to you the first trailer for the new documentary Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of. Based on the nearly two minute teaser, the film won't focus on their rise to global superstardom at the turn of the century. Instead, at will look at their current incarnation as Backstreet men.
At one point, member Brian Littrell asks in voiceover: "What do you do when you're a full-grown man in a boy band?" We'll find out on January 30 when the film hits theaters and becomes available on VOD.

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