Derby The Dog Got A 3D Printed Prosthetic Leg & Ran With It

The future of animal prosthetics is here and we'd like you meet patient zero. His name is Derby, and thanks to some remarkable 3D technology, he's now able to run.
Derby was born with deformations in both of his front legs, which made getting around very difficult. Then, in an amazing twist of fate, Tara Anderson caught wind of Derby's story through the nonprofit dog rescue group Peace and Paws, and knew she wanted to help the husky mix.
Anderson is an employee at a top computer manufacturing company, and has an expertise in 3D sculpting software. What you'll see in the video below is Derby running with the help of the prosthetics Anderson and her team created using said software. The prosthetics only took a few hours to print before being shipped off to Derby's new parents for testing.
"The first time he was put on them, and he took off running, he was just so happy," said Derby's adoptive parent, Sherry Portanova, to People.
When Derby's happy, we're happy. Watch him run like the wind below. (People)

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