Koalas In Australia Desperately Need Your Mittens For Their Burnt Paws

Photo: Courtesy of AMWRRO.
The koalas of Australia need your help. The Australian Marine Wildlife Research and Rescue Organization (AMWRRO) is urging people to donate mittens for koalas whose paws were burnt in wildfires.
The Telegraph reports numerous koalas were hurt or killed in the wildfires that spread across South Australia and Victoria this week. Because koalas linger high up in eucalyptus trees, they have difficulty escaping in this type of event.
The mittens are essential in returning our furry friends to their natural habitats. The International Fund for Animal Welfare advises "mitten-makers" — that's you — to send their creations directly to their office: IFAW at 6 Belmore Street, Surry Hills 2010 in New South Wales, Australia. "We will distribute your lovingly made mittens to those in need," IFAW told us in an email." Just one pair could help save a koala's life."
If you'd like to help, the organization advises the mittens should be made of 100% cotton sheets or towels.

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