Anti-Paparazzi Clothes Are Now A Thing

Photo: Courtesy of Beta Brand.
Is it just us, or do paparazzi get more and more ruthless every year? Some celebrities, like Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, know how to use the invasion of privacy to their advantage. (The couple adorably leveraged paparazzi attention to plug charities.) But, now there's a new way for stars to outsmart the paps — in the form of a light-reflecting clothing line.
Yep, you read that right. Chris Holmes, the resident opening DJ act on Paul McCartney's tours, has ventured into design, creating the Anti-Paparazzi Collection.
"After wearing reflective clothing to several performances," he says, "I noticed that photos from the shows always looked odd because the flash that bounced off my clothing would wash out the rest of the photo. While I wasn’t thrilled that many of these photos were ruined because of my clothing, it gave me the epiphany that perhaps I could use this technology for a greater purpose."
So, how does it work? The material reflects light from the camera flashes, creating a blurry, unusable image. The line consists of a hoodie, blazer, and scarf. Now, the only question is: Who will be the first celeb to test it out? (The Cut)

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