Have An Enemy? This New, Evil Service Sends Them Glitter

Photographed by Dan McCoy.
Update: As quickly as it began, the site promising to send packets of glitter to your arch-nemeses is now out of order. The man behind the evil scheme, Matthew Carpenter, is trying to get out of the glittery business, fast. He's suspended all new orders and is wrapping up shop. On Twitter, he pleaded, "Please stop buying this horrible glitter product. I'm sick of dealing with it." As one responder mentioned, "You have made your glitter-coated bed, and I'm afraid you will have to lie in it." Truth.
Enemies. You could start rumors about them. Hack their Facebooks. Maybe go super old-school and prank-call late into the night. Or, you could just send them a packet of glitter. They'll never be able to get it out of their entryway, or office, or kitchen.
And, there's a service to do it for you so you don't have to get your hands pretty dirty. took off so quickly on Twitter this morning that the site crashed — with any luck, it'll be back up soon. Yes, this company in Australia will send your arch-nemesis an envelope of what is notoriously known as "craft herpes" for $8.15 (in U.S. monies). And, that's not all. They'll also include a note telling the recipient how awful he or she is. The FAQ section, riddled with expletives, is enough to show you that these vengeful businessmen are not messing around.
We just have one question. Why would you really send a parcel of precious, beautiful, brilliant, metallic, tiny sand to someone whom you really don't like? Exactly. This sounds more frenemy material for sure.

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