This Newspaper Photoshopped All The Women Out Of Paris Rally Pictures

Photo: Kay Nietfeld/AP Images.
After the tragic shootings that rocked Paris last week, millions of people, including world leaders, took to the streets of France on Sunday to mourn those lost in the Charlie Hebdo attack. It was a heartwarming display of strength and solidarity in the face of terrorism... except for one part.
A photo of the march featured in Israeli newspaper HaMasheva, or The Announcer, was curiously missing a certain demographic: women.
Photo: Via HaMavaser
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, E.U. foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, and a blurry face that's thought to belong to Swiss President Simonetta Sommaruga were carefully cropped out of the shot, which ran on the newspaper's front page. Insofar as Photoshop jobs go, it was a pretty good one: It's tough to tell where the women went missing. But, it didn't take the eagle-eyed Internet community long to notice the discrepancy.
It's an offensive, if baffling, omission — especially on a day dedicated to tolerance. Unfortunately, it's nothing new for the ultra-Orthodox press. Newspapers like The Announcer, which cater to a devout Jewish community in Israel, almost never show images of women or girls.
But, there was one powerful rejoinder: this image, which popped up on Twitter, showing what the protest would have looked like without men.

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