Brits Are STILL Freaking Out About The Cadbury Egg Scandal

One thing we learned this week: Don't mess with a Brit's chocolate. On Monday, Mondelēz International, maker of Cadbury Creme Eggs, spilled the news that it had tweaked the nostalgic Easter candy's recipe for the U.K. market — no longer making the shell with the traditional Cadbury Dairy Milk. And, not only that, it has also changed the packaging to hold only five eggs instead of six. To put it mildly, fans on Twitter are still freaking out.
Luckily for U.S. egg eaters, the recipe will stay the same, since it's produced by Hershey's. And, while we commiserate with our fellow U.K. gooey-chocolate-treat lovers, some individuals are taking the reaction a little too far. There is now an online petition to get the chocolate change reversed. One woman wrote a ballad lamenting the doctoring of the recipe. We admit, it's disconcerting to have your favorite treat messed with, but maybe this year Peeps will finally have their moment in the Easter spotlight. Watch the video below, and then let us know if this Candyland scandal is worth the buzz.

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