Bravo: We Didn’t Make This Offensive Real Housewives Ad

Photo: Courtesy of Bravo.
A poster popping up around Atlanta looks like one of the the most tone-deaf advertisements of the year. But, it turns out it's just a nasty fake. 
The doctored poster shows the cast of Bravo's The Real Housewives of Atlanta posed and smiling under the phrase "Black Wives Matter." A Bravo spokesperson told Refinery29 via email that “these posters were not created by or in any way affiliated with Bravo.” The images surfaced on a site called RealityTea, which posted photos of the ad sent in by readers, and wrote that a few were so angered that they torn the ads down.  The slogan, of course, is a play on the phrase "Black Lives Matter" — which has become the rallying cry of a nascent movement for racial equality, spurned by the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, and the failure to prosecute the police who killed them. Bravo's denial aside, there were a couple red flags that made this seem like a fake. Largely, one of the women featured, Porsha Williams, left the cast and hasn't been in this year's ads. Also, while brands continuously surprise us with the depths of stupidity they can stoop to, it's almost impossible to imagine Bravo going this far. If you live in Atlanta and have idea who made the ads (or why), let us know in the comments. 

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