Why These Congresswomen Wore Matching Pink Suits To The SOTU

Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP Images.
The crowd at the State of the Union is ordinarily pretty drab, a sea of black, grey, and navy suits. This year’s wasn’t much different -- except for one tiny patch of pink. Five congresswomen, all Democrats in their second terms, sat together during the President's address, perhaps to draw attention to how outnumbered they are by the men in suits around them.
Representative Cheri Bustos posted this pic along with her colleagues Lois Frankel, Katherine Clark, Ann Kuster, and Julia Brownley. Based on Rep. Bustos' caption, it seems like the synched-up outfits were intended to advocate for more women in Congress. (We emailed to find out more and will update when they get back to us.) While there are technically more women in Congress now than ever before, we're still far short of full equality. The current set of legislators is made up of 104 women and 430 men. Of course, we would be remiss if we didn't also point out that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg made an incredible fashion statement as well, albeit a less political one. Check out her on-point beaded collar, below.

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