Forget those ominous warnings that winter is coming. It's clearly arrived in the season 5 trailer for Game of Thrones, which HBO officially released after its IMAX premiere was pirated across the Internet earlier today. The trailer shows your favorite characters continuing on the epic quests they began at the end of last season: Khaleesi is in hot pursuit of the Iron Throne; Sansa is in full-blown evil mode, edged on by Littlefinger, who urges her to avenge her family.
The whole thing is scored by David Bowie's "We Can Be Heroes," so we can only hope the ruler the Seven Kingdoms deserve will finally rise up this season. Our money's on Arya, especially after our favorite exchange in the trailer.
"The Seven Kingdoms needs a ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name," Varys says.
"Good luck finding him," Tyrion replies.
"Who said anything about him?" Varys throws back, cryptically.
The trailer than cuts to Daenerys, strongly implying that she's the ruler Westeros needs. Well, she does have dragons. Maybe she and Arya can rule together.
Post by Game of Thrones.