Watch Sam Smith’s Heartbreaking “Lay Me Down” Video

It's easy to compare Sam Smith's new "Lay Me Down" video with Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" video from

no freaking way

1992. There's a wedding and a funeral, and an intense feeling of melancholy. But, you don't need a pivotal Slash guitar solo when you've got Smith's powerful pipes.

The British crooner also has an advantage when it comes to making a meaningful statement. His video includes a sweet wedding ceremony between himself and a handsome chap. It's happy, romantic, and, yes, ultimately doomed — but it's refreshing to see a gay wedding in a church with guests cheering the grooms on to kiss.  Smith explained his intentions in an Instagram post this morning.  "Dear all, the 'Lay Me Down' music video holds a very dear place in my heart," the openly gay singer wrote. "With this video, myself and Ryan Hope, the director, have decided to make a statement and showcase something we passionately believe in. This video shares my dreams that one day gay men and women and transgendered men and women all over the world, like our straight families and friends, will be able to get married under any roof in any city, in any town, in any village, in any country." Hear, hear. Oh, and better break out the tissues before you push play. You'll need them. 

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