North West may have had to stay home last night, but Blue Ivy Carter got an all-access pass to the Grammys. We imagine the three-year-old having vegan carob brownies foisted upon her by Aunt Gwyneth, posing for selfies with Sam Smith, and teaching Taylor Swift the moves to "Single Ladies." We see her chilling backstage, halfheartedly agreeing to Kim Kardashian's suggestion of a play date with North when the crowd parts and a vision in pink appears. It's Rihanna.
Suddenly Kim is left stranded as Blue Ivy rushes to be in RiRi's orbit. The feeling is mutual. Like two long-distance lovers reuniting at JFK, they rush into an emotional embrace. They're both sporting up-dos and pink gowns — it's kismet! They both thought that Madonna was showing off way too much hiney, and, yes, the two of them really need to arrange lunch with that Paul McCartney guy everyone's talking about. Blue Ivy wants to know if Drake can come.
At least, that's how we picture it. Mama may be Queen Bee, but there are worse fairy godmothers to have than Rihanna.