Discuss: The Meatloaf Cupcake…Intrigued? Confused?

Photo: Courtesy of The Meatloaf Bakery.
"The Pitch Pile" is a regular R29 column in which Elettra Wiedemann shares some of the quirkier food items that come across her desk. I can think of no better way to start my "Pitch Pile" column than to share with you the Loaf-A-Roma from The Meatloaf Bakery — spaghetti and meatballs served in cupcake form. This Chicago-based company has been in business for five years, cranking out an array of comfort-food staples not only as cupcakes, but as "loafies" and pastries as well. Guys, I am vacillating on this me crazy, but isn't there something weird about eating a savory meal in the form of a dessert? But, then again, spaghetti and meatballs is one of my favorites, so maybe who the hell cares what shape it's in — get in my belly! On the other hand, I am wondering if there is anything "wrong" with the classic spaghetti and meatballs just, like, on a plate? I tummy is saying "yes," but my mind is like this.

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