Find Out How Much Money Tech Interns REALLY Make

Photographed by Michelle Drewes.

With tasks like coffee runs and busywork — for
little to no cash — it’s safe to say most internships are far from glamorous
gigs. But, for students in Silicon Valley, landing a
post as an intern is hardly a financial hit. In fact, being an intern at some
of the biggest tech giants around can mean you make more than most people do
in a month.

Glassdoor recently conducted a study that
combed through company reviews shared by interns to find the best, highest-ranked internship opportunities. Almost half of the companies in the top 25 were start-ups or larger tech

Insider decided to take a closer look at the list, specifically the
12 tech companies at the top. The results? Well, let’s just say between the
free meals, nap pods, and sky-high monthly stipends, tech interns kind of have
it made.

At Facebook, the highest-ranked tech company on Glassdoor's list, the average intern makes around $6,058 per month. An internship at Google will make you around $6,788 per month, while Yahoo only pays $5,609 per month. The average salary at Apple, Microsoft, and eBay also tops $6K. Not
too shabby at all.

Check out the full list of tech-company salaries here. Then, if you're feeling depressed, remind yourself that a fat paycheck doesn't always translate into happiness