This App Makes It Okay For You To Suck At Math

Illustrated by Austin Watts.
It's no secret that Americans aren't great at math. In fact, a recent report puts U.S. millennials' math scores in last place compared to 21 other countries. So, we welcome the latest release of a new math problem-solving app.  Called PhotoMath, the app will solve math problems in pictures you take. Simply take a picture of any problem — be it fractions or quadratic equations — and PhotoMath will give you the answer in real time. It will also break down the steps to take in order to solve it. If you wanted to learn actual math skills with it, you totally could.  While you likely don't need the app if you're just figuring out a tip on a bill, who knows when you'll want to run some quick linear equations or need to adjust a ratio — stat.  All we know is this really could have come in handy back in high school.

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