A British Schoolboy Dressed As Christian Grey For World Book Day

We try to not get too judgmental when discussing other people's parenting choices, but c'mon. The mother of 11-year-old Liam Scholes had to have known that sending the kid to school dressed up like sex maniac Christian Grey was going to cause controversy. Way to sully the image of World Book Day, Mom.  In a move that should be billed as "How To Land In The Daily Mail In One Easy Step," Manchester, England mom (and primary school teacher!) Nicola Scholes outfitted her young son in a gray suit, a sleep mask, and cable ties. Scholes told the BBC that little Liam hadn't read Fifty Shades of Grey or seen the film, but still. It's hardly Harry Potter or Madeline, is it? Not surprisingly, the racy ensemble did not go over too well with school administrators. According to her comments on Twitter, Scholes said it was "inappropriate" for the school to ask the boy to change. She also accused the school of having "no sense of humor."
"They told him he had to change his character, that he had to be James Bond, who is actually very promiscuous and kills people," she complained in a BBC interview.  Two wrongs don't make a right, Mom. Can we all chip in and send Liam a box of J.K. Rowling and Beverly Clearly?

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