Helen Mirren Sucks Helium On The Tonight Show; Is Still The Queen

Oh, the joys of being Jimmy Fallon. Many of us have wondered how the infinitely posh Helen Mirren would sound on helium. Would she sound as wonderfully classy? Again, many have pondered the thought, but due to a lack of access to Helen Mirren and a helium tank, we've been left to our musings.  Ruminate no more, friends. Jimmy Fallon decided to test Mirren's claim that she's not as posh as we Americans believe on last night's Tonight Show. "The queen has the perfect upper-class accent," Mirren stated, arguing that it's only to our untrained Yankee earholes that she sounds like the be-all, end-all of aristocratic Brit.  In order to test this theory, Fallon busted out a helium tank to determine how Mirren's voice would sound on the gas. "I haven't done this since I was about 11," Mirren said with a laugh. "Welcome to The Tonight Show!" was Fallon's reply. A few fart jokes ensued, proving once again that she may be capable of playing the queen, but Helen Mirren is truly one of the people. Watch below.

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