Shocking Photo Costs Veterinarian Her Job (Warning: Graphic Image)

This is pretty horrifying. On Thursday evening, Kristen Lindsey posted a photo to her Facebook page that showed her holding up a cat with an arrow through its head. The accompanying text read: “My first bow kill lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s head! Vet of the year award...Gladly accepted.”

Scroll down to see the graphic image.

this woman is a veterinarian. A veterinarian with a degree from Colorado State
who until very recently worked at the Washington Animal Clinic in Brenham, TX, reports The Eagle. But, after the doc's
horrifying post started making the social media rounds, the animal clinic’s
phones rang off the hook with concerned citizens voicing outrage; its website received such an influx of visits that it quickly crashed, and Lindsey was let


The site has since been restored, with a disclaimer posted prominently on
the homepage: “Dear Friends, Clients, and other
interested folks. We just learned of the conduct that is discussed below. We
are absolutely appalled, shocked, upset, and disgusted by the conduct. We have
parted ways with Ms. Lindsey. We do not allow such conduct and we condemn it in
the strongest possible manner. Please know that when informed of this we
responded swiftly and appropriately and please do not impute this awful conduct
to the Washington Animal Clinic or any of its personnel." 

The Austin County Sheriff’s
Department is currently investigating the case, which Sheriff Jack Brandes
called “very disturbing.”  

Though Lindsey claimed the cat was feral, an
animal rescuer has since come forward claiming that Lindsey's prey was probably
not a feral cat but the pet of an elderly couple, called Tiger. The cat had gone missing on Wednesday, the same day that Lindsey posted the photo, CNN reports, noting that its reporters have not been able to substantiate the
claim. And, for Tiger's sake, we hope it's not true. 


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