Katy Perry Made Political Waves In Taiwan

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While we’d definitely expect Katy Perry’s ex, Russell Brand, to find himself suddenly mired in an political controversy, we’re genuinely surprised to see Perry stirring things up. International intrigue usually falls outside of her wheelhouse. Yet, here we are. The “Roar” star made some waves during a recent performance in Taiwan, when she donned a sunflower studded ensemble onstage, surrounded by dancers in sunflower skirts and giant fake sunflower stalks. Turns out, her Taiwanese fans were none too pleased with this costuming because the floral motif was reminiscent of last year’s Sunflower Student movement, which protested a trade pact with the People’s Republic of China, which some believed would give Beijing too much authority over Taiwanese affairs. It doesn't seem likely that Katy Perry knew anything about this; it could just be that Perry really likes costumes, and does not always think them through. For example: During this concert, the singer wrapped herself up in the official flag of Taiwan while belting out her song “Unconditionally.” Fans took to social media to comment on Perry’s performance. Some were moved by what looked like a tribute to political independence, while others felt the star — who is referred to nationally as Fruit Sister — made a major faux pas (“I’m speechless over Fruit Sister” read one comment on China’s microblogging platform, Sina Weibo). Fruit Sister has not yet commented as to whether or not she was making a political statement, but it’s fair to assume she had no idea. “I don’t even know how to speak Mandarin,” she said onstage during the show. “That’s what you speak, right?” That doesn't sound like someone who has mastered the nuances of international affairs to us. 

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