The Woman On The Bathroom Sign Just Got An Amazing Update

The bathroom-sign lady with the triangle-shaped dress got a serious makeover early this week. At Arizona's Girls in Tech Conference, sponsor organization Axosoft decided to retrofit the generic potty-signaler: away went the pointy shift, and in came a superhero-style cape. The new outfit is red, blue, and awesome all over. 
Tania Katan, Axosoft's curator for code, believes the wardrobe change was a belated must. "This lady, well, we've been looking at her the wrong way," Katan says in an emphatic video. The move from frock to cape is intended to "shift perceptions and assumptions about women and the audacious, sensitive, and powerful gestures they make every single day." In other words: Like our outfits, we're badass, not blah.  As must all empowering movements, Axosoft's comes with a hasthtag: "#itwasneveradress." "CANNOT UNSEE," posted coder Jamie Kruger, after seeing the conference facilities. Since then, over 600 people have shared the image.  And you should, too. Go ahead and 'gram the bathroom, just keep your cape on. 

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