This New Magic Mike XXL Teaser Is Perfect

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.
The shirts are off (again). The bodies are glistening — perhaps a little more than before. They're warmed up and ready to twist and turn around the poles. The anticipation for Magic Mike XXL couldn't be higher. And, after their latest teaser yesterday, our love for the fellas couldn't be stronger. Their special surprise, a new teaser video, was shared via Twitter. "We have an XXL surprise for you this #Humpday-thefull#MagicMikeXXL trailer! Enjoy this little treat from the boys," the movie studio tweeted. That we did. In the mere 17-second clip, we're hit with the predictable — yet never boring — images of perfectly sculpted abs, tight triceps, and bulging biceps. Fittingly accompanied by Ginuwine's baby-making classic, "Pony," it's the perfect pick-me-up. "They've got all the force you need. #MagicMikeXXL #MayThe4thBeWithYou," read another tweet. Ridiculously good looking, slick dance moves, and Star Wars fans to boot? We'll take it. Take a look at the steamy clip below.
The film hits theaters on July 1 and — let's be real — we're all going.

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